Follow our step by step process of how we provide our service.
1) Inquiry received.
Simply reach out to us via phone call, email or website booking. Tell us about your job, what you need and any specifics on how your site operates.
2) Terms of business agreed & signed
We will send your our terms of business, which includes rates, and our specific terms. We will need this signed and scanned back before we can book staff.
3) Team booked
Once your job is ready to go, MoreStaff management will book and organise a team for you. We ensure the staff have all the information they need, and will be there on time ready to go.
4) Site specific induction provided
When our staff arrive on-site, we request they receive a site specific induction, in conjunction with the generic MoreStaff health and safety induction all staff receive when they are employed by MoreStaff.
5) Job complete
When the job is complete, the site will send us the completed container number for invoicing, or if the work is completed on an hourly basis, then the site will scan back the MoreStaff timesheet for staffing hours.
6) Invoicing
The MoreStaff accounts team normally invoice the following week after the job is complete. All jobs are itemised, dated and clearly listed to ensure there is no confusion. If our client requires any specific account requests, this is no issue - simply let us know beforehand.
7) Book again
We hope to build long term relationships, all our clients come back to us again.
If you'd like to learn more about what we provide within our container devanning service, read more on our previous blog post here:
Christchurch, New Zealand
Auckland, New Zealand